Pavan Kumar

full-stack developer

Pavan Kumar

I am a fullstack developer

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about me


years of experience as Backend developer


year of experience as fullstack developer

my name is Pavan Kumar

An enthusiastic fullstack developer from Hubli.

Majorly worked on Frontend and have working experience with Python , Angular, HTML , CSS , JS , Bootstrap.

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Frontend development70%

Backend development75%

Scraping and Automation80%

Angular 80%

Python 90%

Javascript 70%

my services

Frontend development

Frontend Development With Frameworks Such As Angular and React

Backend development

Backend Development With Django And Flask

Testing automation

Testing Automation Of Websites With Scraping By Selenium , BS4 , Scrapy , Requests

Deployment & VCS

Deployments With AWS , Firebase , Heroku, GIT

my portfolio

Chat solutions

Official website

Academic Portal

Hotel website

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